Email: Live in LA - December 4, 2017
Welcome everyone! I am here in LA and man, life down here is
a little crazy. I hope I got everyone on the email list so, sorry if I missed
anyone. And shout out to district 45b for making my email list twice as long.
So I'll try my best keep everything organized.
Sunday: So, for those from the MTC, this is going to be a
quick recap. Sunday started out as a normal day in the MTC, but it wasn't
long until everyone realized something was a bit off, and it took me a little
while to realize, but it was our last day as a full district and that mood
really took over. Everyone kept their moods up for the most part, but it was definitely
a somber day. And after the Sunday night movie, it hit me that this was my last
time I would be seeing the sisters. Now most of you know I’m not a very
emotional person on the outside, but I'm not going to lie, my eyes started to
water a bit. It seemed as if the walk back to the dorm just wasn't the same.
Monday: So, to start things off Monday was a very sad
day. It was my last day with my absolutely amazing MTC district. The first ones
to go were Elder Amartey and Elder McIntosh. They left at 4 in the morning, but
Elder Terry and I made sure we got up to say goodbye to them. We got the
Elders from next door and we had one last group prayer in the hallway and sent
the Elders on their way, and let me tell you they are going to be absolutely
amazing missionaries out in DC. I wanted to go out and see the sisters, but I
wasn't sure if I was allowed to leave the dorm
Two hours later, Elder Terry and I woke up again and it hit
me again, the district is splitting up. Elder Terry and I got ready for the day
again and packed our things and soon enough it's nine o'clock and we had to get
down to the travel office. Shout out to Elder Day for taking one of my bags
down for me. So Elder Terry and our travel group had to wait for an hour for
the bus to pick us up. Now I don't know what it was like for the rest of the
district to get to the airport, but the bus took us to the Frontrunner station
in Provo. So, there was a lot of stress making sure everyone was able to get
their luggage on and off the trains as we were transferring. Everyone made it
to the airport and got through baggage ok except Elder Terry, who was 8
pounds over the weight limit, so I had to help him repack. Jumping ahead we got
picked up by President Haynie and he took all of us new missionaries to a
buffet. I got to talk to some of the new sisters and they are pretty cool.
We then went to the mission office which also has the visitor center and family
history center as a part of it. We took a tour and then we were assigned new
companions for the night. Bye, bye Elder Terry.
Tuesday: We woke up and went over to the mission home
where President Haynie made us breakfast and we had orientation. Fun fact, our
mission has two nurses that facilitate any medical needs (also we are apparently
one the most well-resourced missions in the world) then they moved us to the
church behind the temple where we had lunch and met our new companions.
My trainer is Elder Styer. He is pretty cool, and he sings
to himself a lot. Kind of like Elder McIntosh. Elder Styer also eats SUPER
healthy so he makes some interesting things. So, for my first area I'm actually
double covering. I'm working the Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach areas (which
are both about a mile away from the beach). The thing is, this area has been
having a rough time. The active members are really strong, and they give
referrals fairly often, but nothing has been leading anywhere and it really
bothers Elder Styer. The morale in the area is super low and I can feel it
affecting me, it sucks. Also, we are a driving area.
Thursday: We have potential investigator named Cambri
whom we were going to give a priesthood blessing to because she hasn’t been
feeling well. She told her mom about it and she forbid us from coming over and
her husband is pretty hard atheist. She also discovered some anti-Mormon literature,
so she thinks some of the symbols on our temples praise Satan. But she will
still like it if we pray for her, so we will. I also met Peter. He is an RM of
a few years now that went inactive. He recently got into a motorcycle accident
that could have been a lot worse than it was which kind of caused him to be
reactivated. We plan on talking to him about his mission experiences and how
they affected him. We also tried to meet with some recent converts, but as we
were pulling up to their street, we noticed it was blocked off by police. Not
only was it that street, but it was eight streets connected to it. We asked the
police what was going on and if we could get through. Turns out they had a
suspect on the loose, so we decided it was best to cancel
Friday: I met the Shukowskys which is the family that
texted my family. (We are teaching the ten-year-old son who has high
functioning autism). His name is Ryan and he is amazing. We had him say the
opening prayer for the lesson and he asked Heavenly Father to please let me
have a good mission. He has a hard time saying my name, so he just calls me
Elder B. We taught him the plan of salvation and he REALLY wants to go to the
celestial kingdom. They also have a dog named Brownie that is really, really
Saturday: So, for Saturday we decided to catch up on Light
the World campaign, so we gave some brownies to some less active families, but
nothing really came of it. Day two was based around water. So Elder Styer and I
bought some water bottles and taped some pass along cards to them and went down
to the Manhattan Beach pier and handed them out. I noticed a guy with a Coke
and Cheetos walk by onto the pier and figured he didn't want it. A while later,
I noticed to him walking back, so I figured I would give it a try. I asked him
if he would like a water and he just studied my name tag for a bit and looked
up at me and said "Mormon?" With a smile on my face I said, "Yes
sir". He then proceeded to onslaught me with bunch of science questions
saying how science proves God isn't real, that I'm wasting my time here, that
my family won't be with me in the afterlife and that God's love is messed up,
because he doesn't offer "perfect paradise", that me being born a
Mormon was an accident and that science can set me free. It really caught me
off guard, but I feel I held my ground well. He gave me a bunch of books to
read and I don't even remember a single one. It really upset me and threw me
off for the rest of the day. But I should expect it more. It is California
after all.
Sunday: Sunday was super nice, it was cool to meet
some of the members of both wards. Eight hours of church was really weird
though. So, in the Manhattan beach ward there is a sister named Jamie Frandsun
who used to work for Tracy Maylett. It's weird, a lot of people in both wards
have connections back to Mapleton. Also, one of the members packed Elder Styer
and I some dinner and gave us a Christmas tree, which we are giving away. But
we have plastic poster of a Christmas tree so if you want, feel free to send
some decorations.
Which leads up to today. P-day is super nice. I was able to
hang out with the other elders around the zone and we went to Cafe Rio. As we
were getting in line, we noticed a man in Army fatigues staring at us, but we
didn't think much of it. As we got our food, and were getting ready to pay, the
cashier told us that all of our meals had already been paid for. I don't know
if that man was a member or not, but he has some big-time blessings coming his
I hope everything at home is going well. I pray for MTC
district, friends and family every day.
I love you all! Take it easy and be sure to love each other!
Elder B
PS I hear sirens all the time out here.
Wow! I only have time to read 1 entry a day. I am working backwards on my reading. I find Elder Barton's comments so well organized and entertaining. With each day's entry I wanted to comment as I feel we have had similar experiences. Let me just say how fun it is to know all the areas Elder Barton is serving in. All my old stomping grounds and I can picture each area.. Well, except for Compton, yikes! (From later entry). I worked at a construction site on the Redondo Pier, played in Manhattan, came back into activity in the LA Singles Ward. Bless our Missionaries everywhere.