Email: Hype + Obedience = Success - December 18, 2017

Guess who is back. So last week I said there wasn't much on the investigator because we didn't have contact with most of our investigators and this area is a "dead area" and our district in general is struggling.

Well, we have had some miracles thus week. So Elder Styer and I have consistently put our goal of new investigators at 1, since it's a high-end area, everyone is pretty content and happy with where they are. So quick side note, tracting is supposed to be last priority and pretty much not allowed but Elder Ormond and I were on splits and we decided to go visit some formers and potentials. The very first door we knocked on was the home of a former investigator and her granddaughter answered and we talked to her for a bit, but the person we were looking for wasn't home so we got a time to return. So, on Monday, Elder Styer and I stopped by again and Marlia (the former) was busy but she said on Tuesday everything should be settled down. On Tuesday we had exchanges, so Elder Cox and I went to the lesson. It was a very powerful lesson. They opened up to us about the issues they have faced and currently are facing. They've had a rough year, but we talked about faith in Jesus Christ and the blessings it can bring. They have a very strong faith in Jesus Christ, so they are aware what can come from it, it's more about enduring for them. 

We also reached out to Geno who was a potential, but he is Greek Orthodox. His mother passed away 6 years ago from cancer and he got really, really upset with God and he stopped going to his church. His girlfriend, fortunately, is a member and she has been bringing him back. He has mentioned how our religions have a lot of similarities and he believes everything we have taught him so far. We were teaching him the plan of salvation and we ran into a big issue. Turns out Geno believes in reincarnation and the discussion started to get rough, but he managed to move past it, but that's  our biggest issue right now. Other than that, he is progressing really well.

On our way back from the lesson with Geno it was about 9 pm which means we were out past our curfew. We were having exchanges with the zone leaders that we were 20 minutes late for, so we were in a full rush home. But on our way home we noticed a man sitting on the side of the road looking completely in despair. Elder Styer and I were in agreement to pull over. As we did, we sprinted back up the hill, and ran up to this man and introduced ourselves as Mormon missionaries. We sat down with him as told us about how he had literally just been jumped and he pointed out the blood on his shirt. He then looked over at me and said "I'm gonna tell you right now I don't believe in God" he then continued about other struggles in his life. He then got up and started walking over to his girlfriend who was inside calling him an Uber ride. As he got up, we handed him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and told him Heavenly Father has a plan for him. As he was crossing the street, he turned around and called out to us as we were getting up and he said, "actually I do believe in God, I’m just really mad right now". So, even if nothing comes from it, I know we helped him in a time of need. We then sped home to go on exchanges.

So, nothing notable happened on exchanges other than it was the weirdest, but most hilarious day, of my life. Literally every conversation was awkward in some way, but the most notable was this one. We were going to visit a potential named Johnny. As we were walking up to his house we saw him in the yard so we began to talk to him. He said he was busy because he was about to take a friend to the hospital and just as he said that his friend walked around the corner. Blonde mohawk, tattoo, gold teeth, leather jacket, cigarette in hand and he is holding the inside of his hip and he's limping and the very first thing he said "I'm having a hernia!" I had no idea what to say. Elder Taylor jumped in and asked him if we could leave him with a prayer and he said “yes”, so Elder Taylor asked me to say it. Now I really had no idea what to say and everyone is bowing their heads. So, I just went for it. I think it went well. But I didn't think it was appropriate to be thankful for anything as this guy is having a hernia in front of me.

Also, we have Masaru who was taught once before I came out. We were struggling in finding a time to meet with him because of his job (he is a motorcycle designer for Yamaha). We invited him and his wife (who is a less active member) to church a lot, but they never came, but they came yesterday! It was such a happy moment for me standing at the door and seeing them walk up the stairs. They were confused on whether or not they were allowed to take the sacrament, but we cleared that up for them. The Manhattan Beach Ward is so awesome. After the meeting was over, a lot of the members came up to them and got to know them and made them feel welcome. It was so cool to watch them get surrounded by members and watch them laugh and get to know a lot of people. They didn't stay the full 3 hours because their baby Levi has had a bad cough for a couple weeks, so they were going to take him home and see what they could do. Hearing this, we asked if we could give him a blessing. And they were so happy to hear it as well, they offered us dinner. So not only did they come to church, we had dinner and a lesson with them and finished by giving their son a blessing. It was a cool evening and watching Sister Akashi get emotional during pretty much the entire evening reassured me why I'm out here. And had I not come out here, I wouldn't have the chance to testify in the homes of these people

As well, the rest of the zone is exploding with success. We have these "standard of excellence" goals that our zone is supposed to be consistently hitting every month and last month we fell short. But this month, we have already passed our goals and it's only halfway over. Just this week alone our zone has found 21 new investigators! So cool, seeing the morale of everyone begin to rise and see all these sad missionaries get excited again.

We had a zone meeting this week to address this success and the zone leaders decided that we needed a “get hyped” talk because everyone still just seemed down as we were having this success. (this zone is really humble). So, the zone leaders chose Sister Gubor, from Wisconsin, to give it. I don't think I've ever seen someone get so pumped about missionary work in such a short amount of time. She also gave the perfect recipe to success Hype + obedience = success

I appreciate the prayers from everyone. I know I'm seeing the success in my area because of them. I love you all and wish everyone is doing well and that my missionary friends can start or continue to see success, just remember the recipe.

Elder Kyle Barton

Sky writing

Manhattan Beach sunset

Our Christmas tree

 Elder Taylor, Elder Retamales, Frosty, me,  Elder Styer

My new haircut


U-turn traffic light
