Email: January 2, 2018

Hello everyone and welcome back to our little adventure. No I'm not dead, no my tablet didn't get stolen. P-day just got moved to today. Also, Happy New Year everyone!!!!

 This week as been quite boring to be honest.

So, this week was pretty slow. Most of it was trying to contact formers and potentials but everyone is out of town still and we had very few lessons.

One thing that I love about our zone meetings is that we have someone give us a hype speech and they randomly choose from the missionaries and Elder Whitmore was chosen this week (hopefully it will let me send the audio) it was pretty amazing.

Just to give you an idea of some of the strange things that happen here in LA. We were walking back to our car after attempting to contact some potentials and we looked down the street towards the corner and we noticed something moving on the power line. At first, I thought it was a squirrel but then I noticed it was way too big for a squirrel. I pointed it out to Elder Styer and we took a second then he said, "That's a possum." Just super casually. So, we walked down the road to check it out. Now standing directly beneath the possum, and checking out this possum that is staring at us directly in the eyes, I thought to myself "I hope this thing doesn’t have rabies" Just then a drop of saliva drops from the possum and lands on the concrete in front of us. I decided to take a few steps back just in case it decides to jump down and attack Elder Styer. It was about then that we decided we should head back to the car. As we were walking back to the car the possum was following us. Just walking along this powerline above us. Welcome to Torrance.

Another weird thing as well, my camera that I haven't used all mission and has been sitting in the corner the entire time just randomly decided to turn on. I didn't think much of it so I turned it off again. Just for it to turn on again. I then proceeded to have a 30-minute battle with this camera just trying to keep it turned off. It still turns on randomly from time to time but I just ignore it now.

On Wednesday I went on exchanges with the Redondo 2nd Elders and it was with Elder Halverson in the R2 area. This is now a bike area after their accident two weeks ago. The apartment they stay in is a solid 30-minute bike ride away from their area because the last apartment they had (which was actually in their area) got infested with spiders while the sister missionaries were there last transfer. The thing about the spiders though is that they were brown recluse spiders which are one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. The sisters killed a solid 40 - 50 of them before they told the mission office. So, they moved the sisters and got a new apartment and fumigated/cooked them in the other one and nobody has been back since.

So later in the day as Elder Halverson and I are biking to a member’s home we get a call from our companions saying how they think Elder Cox' s bed has bed bugs because he has a bite mark he never noticed. And the bed I slept on the night before was Elder Cox's bed. So, with that being said we had to call a member to give as ride back to the apartment. I then had to get all of my bedding and throw it in the dryer and cook it. Throw that sucker on high heat for as long we could. The R2 Elders now have bed bug traps to see if there actually are bed bugs.

We finally had someone move in to the apartment right across from us. Her name is Bailey and she is college age (23 is my guess) We haven't seen her much but on New Years Eve, she got locked out of her apartment and while waiting for her roommates we decided to talk to her a bit (we aren't allowed to proselyte in our apartment complex because of rules, so it wasn't super religious) So, we now officially know all the neighbors in our apartment complex. We also gave her some extra pumpkin bread we had as a New Years gift.

This morning we had apartment inspection done by Elder and Sister Little from the Visitor Center and we got a perfect score of 100. But a lot of our apartment needs to be redone. We need a new towel rack new/cleaned carpet and as well have our shower regrouted to get some mold out. But other than that, we are good. As Elder Little was going through we talked about my candy corner and how Elder Styer doesn't eat candy and he just looked at us and said. "Is that why he is skinny, and you are fat." I just busted up laughing. It reminded me of the good ole days of getting flamed by my buddies back home (you guys know who you are ;) ) of course Elder Little meant it as a joke and even roasted himself a bit.

Alrighty everyone take care. Sorry this was a tad smaller than usual

Elder Kyle Barton
