Email: February 19, 2018 - Sunken City, baptism, transfers

Man, somehow the weeks get crazier and crazier on the mission.

Monday: Our p-day was actually pretty awesome. We went with the YSA and Gardena Sisters to this place called sunken city. Basically, it is a bunch of random slabs of concrete just laying around and sticking out places, but it's on top/side of a cliff and is sunken down further than the rest of the cliffs. The place itself is in San Pedro which is the southern border of our mission. There was a ton of graffiti everywhere and some of them where actually pretty cool. Of course, there was some apostate stuff but that’s ok. We got some super cool pictures there.

Masaru had his baptism interview and he was super excited. And of course, he passed with flying colors

Tuesday: In the morning we had what we call a "family prayer". Since we have smart phones now we can do group calls. So, every companionship in the zone joined this call and we each put some names of investigators or potentials we want to be helped. So, we had one of the Spanish sisters pray for all the names over the phone to the whole zone.

One of the names on the list is our investigator Randy who we want to commit to baptism. He has also been struggling with the flu and I gave him a blessing last week for it. After the family prayer we called Randy to see if we could come by. He said he was doing much better and would love for us to come by.

We had a powerful lesson on the restoration and focused a lot on the priesthood. He even mentioned how it would be a good time to have a prophet. Needless to say, we had an amazing lesson and committed him to baptism on March 10th

Wednesday: We had to wake up early because we had the amazing opportunity to give service at the temple. We were supposed to be there at 6:45 but we had to pick up the R2 Elders. Also, Elder Styer and Elder Albuquerque forgot things, so we had to turn around and grab some stuff. By the then the 405 freeway got backed up super bad, so we drove Sepulveda Blvd all the way to the temple. By the time we got there it was 8. Just a tad late. But giving service was awesome and we all got to rock our Torrance North Zone t-shirts. President Haynie ended up seeing them and he loved them. Then we took some zone pictures at the temple.

Thursday: We had another opportunity to give service. This time it was for Victor who we did service for earlier in the transfer. We got to do some painting, but Elder Styer and I had to leave earlier to take a Visitor Center trip with Randy. But, before we left there, Elder Styer and the district wanted me to arm wrestle Sister Muno (the blonde sister wearing the hat in our zone pictures, she is super cool). The thing is, we didn’t have any room to do it. So, we did it on a step stool. We arm wrestled with our right hands and I won pretty easily. I figured we were done, so I got up to leave, but Sister Muno says "Wait! I’m left handed!" So, we then arm wrestled with our left hands. I lost fair and square, but it was a good match up.

We took Randy to the Visitor Center and we brought a member, and they clicked right away. Randy and the member both love to talk so we didn’t even have to say a word on the ride up. We also had the privilege of President Haynie popping in really quick on our tour to say hi. The tour was awesome, and we committed Randy to come to church.

Thursday night we brought Bro. Manley (a member of the Manhattan Beach bishopric) to a lesson with Masaru to answer any last questions he had before his baptism on Saturday. Masaru asked some really good questions and Bro. Manley was a big help and he is super awesome.

Friday: I was on exchanges with our zone leader back in the Gardena and Compton areas. Fortunately, we have a car this time and we didn’t do much of anything because we had zone meeting, district meeting and a potluck for the Gardena ward. SHOUT OUT TO MY FAMILY FOR THE SUPER AWESOME TIES THEY SENT ME. FOR REAL, I LOVE THEM (especially the white tie with floral) AND TO JESSICA FOR THE TREATS

Saturday: Today was a super special day because Masaru was baptized. It was so good to hear the font filling and to see him standing there in white. There were a lot of emotions coming for his family, but I had the biggest smile. Unfortunately, he forgot to plug his nose when he went under, so he instantly started coughing when he came up. But it was nice to stand there as a witness. During the program Masaru came up and bore his testimony. It was so awesome to hear his testimony for the first time. It was powerful, and he has been prepared for a long time. There were a lot of people there and it made me feel so good.

Sunday:  Today was also special because I had the awesome opportunity of confirming Masaru a member of the church and giving him the gift of the Holy Ghost. I messed up a bit during it and it was kind of awkward. But, what matters is that the spirit was still there and that he is now a recent convert. My recent convert.

We also got transfer calls tonight and I am leaving the Manhattan Beach and Redondo 3rd area. I am going up to the LA zone to reopen an area that got closed down a while ago. It is the Adams 2nd area. I also heard that Adams is where all the crazy stuff happens, so get ready for some mission stories. I will now be on bike, so Mom, you may want to move some money, just in case I need to buy a bike. My new companion is Elder Patrik. Elder Patrik is known for losing over 100 pounds since he has been on the mission. So, having him as my companion, being in a bike area and being in a ward that supposedly never feeds the members, I’m definitely going to start shaving off some pounds.


Elder Kyle Barton
