Email: March 25, 2019 - Bouncing back and running out of BoMs

You know I have no idea how to start these emails anymore.

Anyway, hello and welcome

As was kind of mentioned it my last email there was a lot of stuff that my comp and I were going through that really brought us down to an all-time low. But as we have already established God is pretty great and didn't like seeing us like that. Elder Ormond and I put our heads down and went to work and saw some miracles this week.

Lately the finding in Northridge has been slim. It just seemed we had been everywhere and talked to everyone. But we were able to find 3 new people this week, set many appointments for this coming week and contacted a referral, gave him a Book of Mormon and told him to read 3 Nephi while he was in Vegas.

It's been a pretty great week looking back. As we were working this week, we gave out a bunch of Books of Mormon. So much so that we had to start taking some from other missionaries because our supplies ran out and we are waiting to get refilled.

We also had exchanges this week. I went with Elder Paas this time around. Elder Paas is quite a character. He likes to joke around and be really sarcastic but when it comes time to be serious, he knows to stop. We were able to have 2 awesome appointments while he was in the area and I got to know him better. Exchanges are always a great time.

That pretty much it for this week. Life is good. Although it still rains here, the sun is out and starting to heat up again out here. Conference is around the corner which will a ton of fun!

I love you all and hope everyone has a great week!

"Everyday is a great day in the mission field" - Gordon B. Hinckley

-Elder Barton
