Email: April 30, 2018 - Constant basketball, Avengers, The moving crew, tie burning (almost) 6 months
Also clumsy me got my tie sucked into a car wash vacuum and it ripped it a little bit. I’m just sitting here, Elder Vola is playing the ukulele and I'm rapping / singing along and we are creating an album as we speak. it’s probably gonna suck, but oh well
Monday: Monday was a great p-day as usual. I went with Elder Vola and Elder Montgomery again. We also joined up with Elder Hanson and the other Elder Barton. We went on a hike in Griffith Park which was a pretty much straight up the side of a hill. It was short but intense hike and it felt good to be out in the woods. We also drove down Hollywood boulevard but the road was closed because the Avengers: Infinity War world premiere was happening and they used the street for their set pieces and carpet. Which sucked for us civilians because traffic was pretty rough in West Hollywood. Then we just played basketball around at the church. I'm starting to get pretty decent
Elder Vola and I |
Tuesday: We had a good day here. We were able to meet with our investigator Comfort today. She is super awesome and we had an amazing lesson on the restoration. We were also able to set a baptism date with her for June 3rd
Wednesday: Wednesday was really good. Of course, we started with basketball in the morning. Everyone caught fire in basketball and were just sinking every shot they took, including me, which is a rarity. As for missionary work, we just pounded the streets as normal. We had correlation meeting and none of us missionaries or the ward mission leader had dinner so he took us to Taco Bell which was a blessing in disguise.
Thursday: Thursday was good as always. We had a really good district meeting. Talked a lot of trash about morning basketball. Our district is doing really well with our goals too so that is super awesome. Also traffic was worse than normal since Avengers was coming out and honestly it was kind of a nightmare.
Friday: Today was interesting. Elder Patrick went to a funeral for a member he knew in Downey so I went on an exchange with Elder Cox for the evening. It was good to be able to hang with him again and talk about our companionships. I found out we both are kind of in the same boat and just trying to make sure it doesn’t capsize. Also, as we were getting on the bus we had some homeless guy start growling at us which was really weird.
Saturday: Today was a super good day. As usual we started the day out with some early morning basketball where I unfortunately didn't do as good as I would like. We also had the opportunity to help the Luceros move out of their apartment and into their new apartment by USC.
The Luceros are a super awesome family and it's so much fun to joke around with brother Lucero because he has a similar sense of humor that I do so I could joke around with him all day. His wife is also super nice and pretty funny as well. It's great because they know all the meta jokes and it keeps me updated. For example, today we joked about selling chucky cheese tokens to people for an absurd price and tell them it's a bitcoin.
We got there at about 9 am and we finished moving and cleaning and all the fun stuff at about 2 pm. It was a lot of fun and we also got to eat lunch at the USC village which is super nice by the way. It was nice to just sit back in the chairs and enjoy the sun a bit for once. Apparently, the members here said Avengers was pretty good so yeah. No spoilers people.
As for the rest of the day it was just the same as usual. Walking around in south central and dealing with some crazy homeless people at times. Its great
Sunday: Sunday is good as always. We had a really good sacrament meeting and we had a good turn out. A lot of less active members came to church.
Due to some Elders wanting to go to a baptism I ended up with Elder Jones today. Elders Jones is super cool. He is from Ogden and he was on the same flight with me out here. We ended up hitting the streets pretty actively. We were mainly looking to find the less active members. We worked for a good while until the Elders came back. After they came back we ended up having dinner with one of the Spanish investigators. The food was pretty good. After that we came back to the apartment. The members in front of us made burgers for us and we hung out around the fire pit to finish off the night.
Elder Jones and I on exchanges |
I got a decent mount of pictures from this week but I forgot to get some for Elder Harrison from when we gave service. So maybe we will see them next week.
It's also weird to think that I hit my 6 month mark next week. So, in honor of that, we burned some ties
Elder Kyle Barton
Tie burning |
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