Email: May 28, 2018 - the broken tablet, exchange after exchange, church miracles

So this email would have been sent a lot faster as it was already typed up an ready to send. But unfortunately, I am human. With that being said, let me tell you a story. We are packing up getting ready to go the mission office when Elder Barton decides to put his tablet and journal on top of the car for a second as he sets his bag in the back seat. Well Elder Barton forgot his tablet and journal on top of the car. Those poor mission memories tried their hardest to hold on but they were no match for 70 MPH on the freeway. They just couldn't hang on. They flew off the back of the car and were ran over several times. By the time we got back to the scene of the crime, the tablet was smashed into several pieces but the journal somehow held on and got split into 3 pieces but I can still use it.
What is left of my tablet.
Separate missionary journal. Glad it survived.
Monday: P-day was super fun. We hung out with the Santa Monica YSA Elders and I got to see my old Japanese buddy Elder Williams. He is such a lad. We didn't do anything too exciting we just hung out at a boba place pretty much the whole day. It sounds lame, but it was a lot of fun especially since I got to just sit back and relax

Elder Williams and me.
Tuesday: Nothing really noteworthy from Tuesday

Wednesday: We got a Bible referral today (we get these a lot) but it was nice since we got to actually talk with them and meet with them. His name is Tremell and he is a super cool guy and he has the deepest voice I have ever heard. We ran through the Book of Mormon and set a return appointment with him.

Thursday: District Meeting today was super fun. I had the opportunity to give the main training and it was pretty entertaining for me. Who knows if it was actually any good though. We got to meet with Tremell again and it was nice to sit down and discuss the restoration better

Friday: I went on exchanges with Elder Jones today and he came to my area. We had an awesome day since I was planning it out the entire week pretty much, but it was really good. We had a bunch of appointments and we even had a VC tour. It was a fun day and Elder Jones is super funny. The end of the day was pretty hectic since I had to pack up and go on exchanges with the zone leaders that night also

Elder Jones and me.

Saturday: I went on exchanges with the zone leaders today to a Spanish area and it was a lot of fun. We had a bunch of appointments and we got fed twice which was super nice. While I was there I learned a few phrases, so it was a pretty good day.

Sunday: Sunday was full of miracles. This week our district has been doing nightly district prayers for our church attendance. Our goal for Sacrament Meeting was still pretty far away and this is the last Sunday of the month, so it is do or die. Well we show up at church and the miracles began to shower down. We had 2 investigators, 1 former, 1 referral and 2 potentials show up at church. It was absolutely amazing. These people pretty much appeared out of nowhere.

The coolest part about all of this to me is that one of the potentials that showed up was named Dev. Well as I was talking to Dev it turns out he is from India. So I asked what part of India. Well he is from Hyderabad. Which, if I'm not mistaken, is where my best friend Elder Hansen is serving at right now. It’s so cool to be able to send a referral to him even though I'm on the other side of the world.

To make Sunday even better we found a new investigator right after church. Then a potential called us wanting to meet and she is also going to bring her boyfriend to our lesson.

And then to top it all off, our apartment manager made us burgers and as we were eating they told us about Infinity War so I know everything that happens. Literally everything.

Well as you can see I've had a pretty crazy week. I'll update you all on the status of my new device. So as for now I won't be able to see a lot of your emails.

Take it easy out there.

Elder Barton
