Email: April 2, 2019 - Rockin’ n Rollin’ with an AP and the weather lately has felt SO GOOD

Mickalikahimickahiniho long live Jombi

That one is for you Dad

Hello everybody! This week everything was on full blast and let me tell you why.

Monday: P-day what more do I have to say?

Tuesday: Operation gratitude. Worked in the rough part of town and got a whole lot of nothing.

Wednesday: We were on exchanges with our district leader. He also had ZLC. One of the APs were there so there were even more meetings. So finally, after about 4 hours we got back to it. We visited a member who just had knee surgery. Got free frozen yogurt and had a blast.

Thursday: Weekly planning

Friday: Busy day. We had a really good lesson in the morning. Then district council in which one for the APs showed up and sat in and it just so happened to be when I was giving a training in district council. Then a couple lessons canceled on us.

Just before we were to go pick up one of the APs for our exchange, we had picked up a new friend, so we went into that exchange really happy.

To finish the day, we waited for the APs to show up at the Spanish stake center so we could start my first ever 2-day exchange. The AP that came with us was Elder Maya. I have seen Elder Maya all the time and heard stories but have not gotten the chance to talk and get to know him. He has been an AP for 10 months, so he knows what he is doing. He is a really great guy

Saturday: The start of the grind. Saturday was easily one of the hardest working days I have had on the mission. We also had some place to go and something to do and it felt great. Elder Maya is a beast missionary he literally was able to relate soup and chowder to the gospel and I was absolutely amazed. I thought I was decent, but this guy just put me to shame, and it shows that I still have a lot to improve on.

Sunday: So fun story. The three of us figured that since it was the 5th Sunday that fast Sunday would be after conference, nope. So, while all the members were showing up hungry we sat there with some nice full stomachs.

Testimony meeting was awesome! President Galorath (second councilor in the mission presidency) was at our church this Sunday and he gave an awesome but simple testimony on missionary work. President Galorath is another person in whom I have heard of and seen but never really talked to.  However, fortunately for me though he wanted to have an interview during the second hour, and he is an awesome man. Definitely lifted my spirits.

After church the day was just going out and pounding the streets as usual. Kind of weird having Elder Maya with us for the whole weekend and especially at church with us but I am so grateful he was able to come with us.

We had one of the youth in the ward joined us for a bit on Sunday. The lesson we were going to have him sit in canceled so we decided to do some studies with him, and he actually really enjoyed it.

In closing I hear people all the time say to enjoy the little things and my little thing that I enjoyed this week was the California evening. The sunsets here are beautiful especially since this area looks like Utah at times so it reminds me of home a bit, but better yet is the fact that  it always gets to be about 72 degrees in the evenings. The mission has made 72 degrees my favorite temperature, it's just right and it feels amazing.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and enjoy spring break if that's coming up

-Elder Kyle (insert whatever nickname you had for or what me to have here) Barton
