Email: April 29, 2019 - The house of the Lord, golf clubs and a full chapel

It's raining it's pouring Elder Barton's weekly emails are probably really boring

Welcome back everybody!

This week was full of appointments and it was awesome. Also, this email will probably be on the shorter side cm because I'm not in a writing mood

First of all, we got to go to the temple twice this week. First, we did our temple session and had interviews with our mission president. It was super spiritual and super awesome, and it was a great time.

The following day we got to go to the temple again to do baptisms with Maria and again it was super awesome to be in the temple. 

Later that day we were proselyting in our suits (which isn't required but we didn't have time to change so we just did it) and we saw some golf clubs that were going to get thrown away so we decided to swing around and grab them since they were somewhat nice. As I was tossing them in the trunk I unknowingly hit Elder Meraz's laundry detergent and it proceeded to spill all over our trunk for the rest of the night and it made a huge mess and it smelled good but it was super strong so it started to give us a headache. Finally, the next day we cleaned it out, but it took us about an hour and the help of some members to do it.

And lastly on Sunday the chapel was PACKED. The ward alone already averages around 300 people in sacrament, now add 2 baby blessings into the mix and having a general authority (Elder Weatherford Clayton of the Seventy) visit for one of the blessings. So, the chapel was completely full, the Relief Society room was about halfway full and 5 or 6 people in the foyer which I was one of those people. It was actually nice because I had a nice comfy seat with leg room.

All in all, this week was awesome, it was super busy and so much happened. If I tried to write it all down this email would be really, really long. So just trust that it was awesome! 

I hope everyone stays safe! 

-Elder Barton

P.S. Also I forgot to mention we got to talk to Elder Clayton after church and it was super cool! He was super nice and showed and genuine concern for how we were doing and how the work was going in our area. He was very happy with us and gave us some advice, council and an inside scoop on some things to come from the missionary department that are waiting to be announced. But the coolest thing of all was right before the conversation ended, he looked us dead in the eyes and with all the love in his soul he said "We love you and we Prayer for you" general authorities are so amazing!

Scenes from the area

Where we go running in the mornings

We are trying to teach a very rich fellow and he has a classic Mercedes
The laundry detergent spill
Photos of us making a surfboard with one of our friends
