Email from California Los Angeles Mission - November 28, 2017

Dear Brother and Sister Barton,

Elder Kyle Andrew Barton arrived safely to this mission 27 Nov 2017.  After prayerful consideration, Elder Styer was selected to be his companion.  We make every effort to assign only the very best missionaries to be trainers, as these first few months are critical in the life of a new missionary.  Enclosed are pictures of Elder Barton with his companion, as well as with Sister Haynie and myself.

During the course of his mission he will be transferred from place to place, therefore, we ask that all his mail be sent to:

Elder Kyle Andrew Barton 
1591 East Temple Way
California Los Angeles Mission
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801

We are excited and grateful to have Elder Barton serve in the California Los Angeles Mission.  Our desire is to help him succeed and magnify his calling.  We will do everything possible to see that he remains healthy, actively engaged, challenged, and happy in his missionary labors.  Please be assured that his welfare and happiness are of primary concern to us.  The mission has an Instagram account, "clamgram2016" where you can find pictures and short comments about Mission events.

The information below answers many of the questions frequently asked.  Should you have any questions or concerns during the course of Elder Barton mission, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours, 

Robert M. Haynie
California Los Angeles Mission

The first six weeks of a mission are often difficult because missionaries are living a new lifestyle and learning to be a missionary. Here are some suggestions to help in this transition:
·   Instead of saying “I miss you,” encourage them to savor every moment and to stay focused on their work and serving Heavenly Father.
·   Pray with them, for them and encourage them to rely on prayer.
·   Try not to focus on what their friends are doing; instead ask questions about their investigators, the work and special experiences.
·    Send them uplifting letters; include your favorite scripture, and avoid distracting them from the missionary experience with too many letters or packages.
·    Most of all, love them, be proud of them and follow their lead.
