Set Apart as a Missionary - November 7, 2017

As a family, we were able to accompany Kyle to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency the night before he reported to the MTC.  Courtney was not able to be there as she said home with the twins.

Our stake president, Pres. Scott Sommerfelt, was out of town, so Pres. David Jensen, first counselor, was assigned to perform this task.  Pres. Jensen had done this before so he referred to the handbook with us to help him make sure he did everything correctly. I had planned on recording the blessing as I had done for Cory because the promises, blessings and council were powerful and Cory said he read it often which serving on his mission. However, Pres Jensen read from the handbook that the blessing should not be recorded. Dan, Dakota and Cory were able to join Pres. Jensen as he set Kyle apart as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and blessed him.

After the setting apart, each of us in the room were able to give Kyle some advice and counsel.  That was a great ending to this setting apart. We came back home to have some treats and then Dakota, Deanna and Channing, Courtney and the twins said their "goodbyes" to Kyle since they were not going to be able to go with us to the MTC the next day to drop of Kyle.  Of course, we had to get some last photos in as well.
