First Official Email - November 8, 2017

After dropping off Kyle at the MTC, we went to get some lunch and then took Cory back to school.  Just as we arrived at the school, I realized Kyle had sent me an email which he wrote just about an hour after arriving.  Boy, did this make us feel good.

Hey! it's me already. New and improved Elder Barton. Not even an hour in and I already have the chance to email you guys and I haven't even met my companion yet. So my actual living residence is in the the old MTC, but my classes are in the new building and its awesome already. I don't think I have talked to so many different people in the span of 20 minutes or so.

Already a few cool things have happened. 1. As I was getting taken through one of the buildings to make sure everything was in order, I saw a guy from high school. Rebecca may know him. His name is Talon and he was a really good videographer. 2. My host that met me in the parking garage actually lives on the floor below me. 3. I met my teacher on the elevator up to the class room. It's strange how everyone is just so cheerful and happy. It's kind of offsetting from the everyday environment but it is so easy to start a conversation and it's wonderful.

My classroom is on the 5th floor of the new building and I can see the windmills from there. It's weird that for two years I'll be gone, but yet I can still see home, for now that is. My P-day will be on Tuesday so you will hear from me again soon.
Sorry this email is short. I just got here after all, but i will try and make them longer.

I love you guys so much
-Elder Barton
