Email: July 2, 2018 - Super late email about Worthy Chavos

This week was quite the crazy week and I'll tell you why to start off we are now officially merged with San Fernando mission! We now have the highest number of missionaries in the world (that our mission president is aware of) with over 300 missionaries. When the transfer ends though, a lot of missionaries will be going home so that number will go back to normal. 

Also, since the merge we now will receive $170 a month instead of $160. It's not much but it's more and that is awesome.

Monday: P-day was good it was pretty relaxed for the most part. We had dinner with the Lucero home again and it was hilarious as always.

Tuesday: Transfers were this morning so Elder Burnett is now gone and Elder Kreger is here. Elder Kreger is a pretty cool guy and we are getting along pretty well so far. I am now officially senior comp and the designated driver.

We had to go to the mission office to resolve some phone problems and while we were there we saw all the departing missionaries. It was sad to see the good friends that made finish up their mission, but everyone's time has to come to an end.

As Elder Kreger and I were saying some final goodbyes and about to leave, I heard someone shout my name. I turn around and lo and behold it is Elder Terry! It was so good to see my MTC comp again. But here is the best part. Elder Terry is serving in Manhattan Beach right now (my old area) so guess who he is standing with? He’s standing there with my recent convert Masaru! It was so good to see him again and hear how he has been progressing in the gospel since I've left. I'm so grateful for the missionaries that continued to work with him and move him forward. He had just finished temple baptisms for the first time! He also got to baptize his wife which is super cool!

Wednesday: We went right work today and finished up some of our transfer chores that we didn't have time to do yesterday. Elder Kreger and I are determined to turn this area around since it's been pretty slow lately.

We are off to great start because we found a new friend today. (For those who don't know the new updated Preach My Gospel manual doesn't use the term investigator any more.  They want us to call them person, people or friend.) 

The district this transfer is a lot of fun. It's just a lot of jokes constantly, but you can tell we all care about each other.  It reminds me a lot of my friends back home. 

Thursday: We had an awesome district meeting today and we named our district "worthy chavos" which also means worthy dudes. We each got a Chavo name and I am bon bon Chavo which means "marshmallow dude", fits right?

Our areabook app got a fancy update today and as well it shows us the new areas from San Fernando and all of the new missionaries in as well. President Haynie also selected a new set of APs from San Fernando mission which puts a grand total of 4 APs now in our mission.

Friday: Friday was a slow day. We had to go to Pep Boys to get one of our tires checked since the air pressure was low.
Turns I drove over a nail at some point. So after about an hour we got our tire replaced.

Saturday: Saturday was also slow, but we had a really good weekly planning session and getting our transfer in the works. It looks really good and this transfer is going to be awesome as we continue on this. High hopes

Sunday: Fast and testimony today was really, really, good and it really helped those that were in attendance.

Now this story I'm about to share is kind of intense. 

So last night we went to a member’s home for dinner. The Pumphrey family, for those who remember them. Francis is in her 60s and is caring for her mother who is in her 90s. It's basically a full-time job for her and her mom, Alma, has been having a hard time lately. So, when we're there, dinner was running late and as Alma was seated she began to freak out saying that she felt like she was dying.

So, we gave her a blessing and as we sat by her to comfort her, so Francis could finish up making dinner, Alma turned and looked me right in the eyes and said "Please don't let me die" 

When she said that my heart just broke and the worst part I had no idea what to say. I didn't know how to comfort her in her time of need.

I hope none of you ever end up in a situation like that because it is absolutely terrifying. 

But I do want to say this. I'm so grateful for the plan of salvation. I'm grateful for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ who make this plan possible. I'm grateful for the resurrection. That beautiful gift that we all receive. That gift that lets us overcome all physical, mental and emotional disabilities that we may have.
I'm grateful that my Father in Heaven has provided me the opportunity to be happy as I stay faithful. These gifts are not unique to me. As we follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ All of us will receive these things

-Bon Bon Chavo

Elder Kreger, Me, and Elder Franco

I decided to grab these from the food bank
Elder Carolla getting fixed up

Trying to find our investigator in this crowd
