Email: July 16, 2018

Guess who's back? Back again, Bon Bon's back, tell a friend

Hey everyone!!!! Another P-day another email.

Monday: Today we went to the USC Institute building and played around in their rec room. The nice thing is they have a pool table and I taught the other Elders how to play Skittles. Shout out to Elder Hansen for teaching me this game because it is so much fun. The other Elders really got into it. Then went back to the Promenade mall in Santa Monica for the hundredth time
Tuesday: Tuesday was a fun day. At our Spanish class that night, while Elder Franco and I were handing out little flyers for the class, we saw a possum, so we took a picture of it

Wednesday: Today was nice we went to the northern parts of our area and they have some nice neighborhoods there. It's always a fun drive. I really like driving out here in Cali although the traffic sucks at times. It was pretty toasty today (nothing compared to last week) but it just made us appreciate our car more.

Thursday: Today we had a bit of a scare with one of the people we are teaching, but fortunately we were able to bring them back. We visited the Flores family today and are now teaching the kids. They are such a nice family and apparently, I'm hilarious to them. To be fair, I smacked my head against some of their decor they had set up. I didn't see it and I just backed up and, bam. Fortunately, I didn't break anything except for the family into laughter. So, there we go.  If you want to build relationships with the people you teach, just be dumb like Bon Bon and you'll be set.

Friday: Not a whole lot today. We had some weekly planning and some service. We worked hard today and planted some seeds, but we tried

Saturday: Saturday was awesome. We had the opportunity to attend the wedding of a PMF and it was a really nice ceremony plus they served really good street tacos, so that was awesome. We were able to find someone new to teach. They are a referral we have been trying to work with for a while, but we were finally able to sit down and have a lesson. We also had the opportunity for some sisters in the Boston Massachusetts mission join us (the cousin of this referral). It was a really strong lesson and they are such a nice family

Sunday: Our church attendance wasn't the best today, but that just shows there is room for Elder Kreger and me to improve, so that is what we are going to focus on this coming week

Sorry, this email isn't as entertaining as the others. But hey, you won some, you lose some right?
Just a quick spiritual thought. I have been reading / listening to President Monson's talks from the 70s and they all are really good. One talk in particular that stood out was one he gave called "Yellow Canaries with Gray on their Wings". To summarize, it’s a talk about not judging others. He shares a story in which there are three yellow canaries. One is of them has gray on his wings, and because of that, he doesn't look as beautiful as the others. But the yellow canary with gray on his wings has the most beautiful song of all the birds.

He goes on to relate this to our lives. Although others may not seem as smart, pretty or funny, it is, often times, these people that have the most to share and the ones that should truly be desired.

I ask that we all be more kind to one another. May we set aside our differences whatever they may be and just come together as friends and enjoy the gifts that God has given us

-Bon Bon Chavo

The MOOOOON (notice the tie Rebecca ;))


Baby turtles

Old school Corvette
