Email: September 10, 2018 - The Wild, Wild West

Hi everyone! This week was pretty slow. The transfer is coming to a close and I can safely say this has been one of the best transfers of my mission. We have been having a wild west theme going lately and it is GOLD!

Monday: We went to Sunken City this week for P-day with the district and it was pretty great. Got right down on the shore again. One day I'll be able to touch the ocean again.

Tuesday: Another slow day.

Wednesday: We had ZLC today and decided to start a new zone initiative to finish off the transfer strong and it has been going really well so far. To introduce it, the zone leaders made a video and it was hilarious and it officially kicked off the western theme.

Elder Barton with zone leader Elder Terry


The Torrance North Tumbleweeds

Thursday: Just weekly planning and walking around the streets

Friday: District council this week was pretty good. We had our zone leader Elder Terry give us a training on street contacting and it was really good

Saturday: Today was slow. We had a part member family call us to give a blessing. We showed up and I opened my vial and what do you know? No oil. So, we had to consecrate some then we could do it. Then later that night as we were returning to our church building to end the night. We ran into a pack of raccoons at the church building. So, we chased them a round and got them off the property.

Sunday: I had the opportunity to speak on sacrament this week. I don't know why, but I was more nervous than usual and my leg started shaking ha ha. It never gets easier. We finished the day by going to the Uppers for dinner. They also had a trampoline that we got to jump around on and it's been a while since I have been on a trampoline. Then when we were returning to the church that night to sync and a possum walked right up to the door of the church. So, we chased him off too.

So that was pretty much the week, but I want to share my testimony with you all. I don't do this as much as I should so here we go.

On my mission I have learned a lot of things about the world but the most important things I have learned are the spiritual things. How our Father in Heaven is always looking out for us and looking for opportunities to bless us. I have a testimony that we all lived with Him before we came here and that our Father in Heaven knows us perfectly and loves us perfectly. It may be hard and confusing at times to understand what we need to do. That's why He has given us the wonderful gift of prayer to reach out to our creator and learn His will, to call upon power from on high. Just as many rejected, beat and spit upon Christ. So, too will His church be treated the same. In this day and age many people reject, beat and spit upon the Lord's kingdom on earth but just as Christ endured and suffered it, we too must endure.

I love you and I hope you stay strong and keep pressing forward and call out to your Father in Heaven if you do need help

The Lord's servant Elder "K-Bar" Barton

This is Felix. A food outreach program gave him to us after we helped them out

What eternal joy looks like
