Email: October 29, 2018 - And the adventure continues

I'm gonna keep this email short because we got a lot of things we need to do today.

The transfer calls came and went as they always do. Elder Mora and I will be staying together for another transfer and I will be finishing his training.

Although Lawndale is in a tough spot at the moment, I'm glad I'm staying. I love the members here and they are starting to get pretty involved with the missionary work.

This next transfer is gonna be great, it's definitely going to push me though.

Last night I decided to read my journal entries from the start of my mission. It was really crazy to see how much I have grown and changed over the past year. If my mission isn't a success anywhere else, I know it was a success in me personally.

To think that I will hit my year mark in a little over a week gives me a lot of hope. It's sad the mission is going by fast, but I'm excited for the remaining experiences I have to live and for the many lessons to learn that lay ahead.

Although I have had my hard times on my mission I wouldn't change this time for anything else in the world. I have received so much more than I have given on my mission. It has helped me realize how blessed I have been

Just last night we were talking to Brother Mckinzie at dinner and having a heart to heart with him. We were talking about missions, and the sacrifice that is made. It made me realize just how much I have given up, but as I was thinking about it, I realized that the courage and faith I have shown is only a small portion of the courage and faith that converts show. To leave a whole life behind, to begin to obey commandments you may not fully understand, to leave behind habits, completely changing a lifestyle and even in some cases, having to choose this gospel over family. It's not an easy sacrifice by any means, but it is always worth it in the end. It's made my appreciation and respect for converts grow much more, let alone converts that serve missions.

I can easily say the mission has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but it has been so worth it.

-Elder Barton V2
