Mission Office Email: July 30, 2019

30 July 2019

Daniel Scott and Janet Lark Barton
616 W. 600 S
Mapleton, UT 84664
Dear Brother and Sister Barton,
The time is approaching for the return of your missionary Elder Kyle Andrew Barton.  According to our records, his release date is 13 Nov 2019. We love Elder Barton and are grateful to be serving with him.
Enclosed is a personal information request form which will assist us in the concluding preparations we make for your missionary before being released. Please complete the information requested and return it to us as soon as possible, preferably by email to 2011107@ChurchofJesusChrist.org, so that final arrangements including travel plans can be made.  Travel plans are obtained through the mission office in order to accommodate departure and arrive times of all the missionaries as well as activities planned. Once travel plans are arranged, any changes must be made within 24 hours in order to avoid any change fees. If you request changes after this 24-hour period, you are responsible for the change fees. Please notify us immediately if any changes need to be made. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
Missionaries want to stay focused on the work until the very end.  This final period is often their most productive time. Please continue to encourage, uplift and pray for your missionary. Thank you for sending Elder Barton to us.
May the Lord's richest blessings be yours.
Valeri V Cordón
California Los Angeles Mission
