Email: September 16, 2019 - "Oh no the car sprained its tire"
This is something Elder Kim said as
we hit a pothole pretty hard and he was making fun of me at the same time since
I sprained my ankle this week (which you can read about more in here)
Well ladies and gentlemen it's been
an interesting week in the life of Elder Barton. We had a good week lined up
but everything just fell through. This week was also tough physically, but I
still love the work and love just the mission be like this sometimes and that's
So, for physically challenging I'll
enlighten y’all. On Wednesday this week my body randomly started having hot and
cold flashes, so although it was 90+ degrees outside, I found myself shivering
and my hands starting to turn purple. So, we got my ice cube of a person home
and underneath 3 layers of blankets and I fell asleep. When I woke about 30
minutes later, I was burning hot and starting to sweat a bit. It was strange
cause normally this happens if I have a bad cold, but it just came out of
I decided to show Heavenly Father
what I'm made of and that I care so we continued to work. I also decided to rip
out an ingrown toenail and my toe has swollen a lot so I may have to see a podiatrist.
The next day (Thursday) I felt fine,
so we stuck with the schedule. We went to do temple baptisms with our recent
convert which was awesome. Elder Kim did the baptizing (the first time he has
ever done it) and I did the actually recording of everything (which was my
first time doing that). It was a lot of fun and an awesome experience for
On our way out (and after having had
a good lunch in the temple) we were walking to the mission office and had to
step on the grass (a truck was unloading food for the cafeteria right in our
path) well unfortunately for me, there was a random hole in the grass that I
stepped in and proceeded to fall and sprain my ankle again.
Other than that, nothing noteworthy
has taken place. We cleaned the apartment up a lot and have made space for a Zen
room which looks super good actually and it's pretty peaceful.
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